ISO 3166-2:ID

ISO 3166-2:ID is the entry for Indonesia in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.

Currently for Indonesia, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for two levels of subdivisions:

Each code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen. The first part is ID, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of Indonesia. The second part is two letters.

Current codes

Subdivision names are listed as in the ISO 3166-2 standard published by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA).

Geographical units

Geographical units of Indonesia according to ISO 3166-2:ID
Code Subdivision name (id) Subdivision name (en) [1]
ID-JW Jawa Java
ID-KA Kalimantan Kalimantan
ID-ML Maluku Moluccas
ID-NU Nusa Tenggara Lesser Sunda Islands
ID-PP Papua Western New Guinea
ID-SL Sulawesi Sulawesi
ID-SM Sumatera Sumatra

Provinces, capital district and special region

Code Subdivision name
Local variant Subdivision name (en)[2] Subdivision type Geographical unit
ID-AC  Aceh Aceh province SM
ID-BA  Bali Bali province NU
ID-BT  Banten Banten province JW
ID-BE  Bengkulu Bengkulu province SM
ID-GO  Gorontalo Gorontalo province SL
ID-JK  Jakarta Raya DKI Jakarta; DKI Jakarta capital district JW
ID-JA  Jambi Jambi province SM
ID-JB  Jawa Barat West Java province JW
ID-JT  Jawa Tengah Central Java province JW
ID-JI  Jawa Timur East Java province JW
ID-KB  Kalimantan Barat West Kalimantan province KA
ID-KS  Kalimantan Selatan South Kalimantan province KA
ID-KT  Kalimantan Tengah Central Kalimantan province KA
ID-KI  Kalimantan Timur East Kalimantan province KA
ID-KU  Kalimantan Utara North Kalimantan province KA
ID-BB  Bangka Belitung Islands Bangka Belitung Islands province SM
ID-KR  Kepulauan Riau Riau Islands province SM
ID-LA  Lampung Lampung province SM
ID-MA  Maluku Maluku province ML
ID-MU  Maluku Utara North Maluku province ML
ID-NB  Nusa Tenggara Barat West Nusa Tenggara province NU
ID-NT  Nusa Tenggara Timur East Nusa Tenggara province NU
ID-PA  Papua Papua province PP
ID-PB  Papua Barat West Papua province PP
ID-PD  Papua Barat Daya Southwest Papua province PP
ID-PE  Papua Pengunungan Highland Papua province PP
ID-PS  Papua Selatan South Papua province PP
ID-PT  Papua Tengah Central Papua province PP
ID-RI  Riau Riau province SM
ID-SR  Sulawesi Barat West Sulawesi province SL
ID-SN  Sulawesi Selatan South Sulawesi province SL
ID-ST  Sulawesi Tengah Central Sulawesi province SL
ID-SG  Sulawesi Tenggara Southeast Sulawesi province SL
ID-SA  Sulawesi Utara North Sulawesi province SL
ID-SB  Sumatera Barat West Sumatra province SM
ID-SS  Sumatera Selatan South Sumatra province SM
ID-SU  Sumatera Utara North Sumatra province SM
ID-YO  Yogyakarta DI Yogya; DIY Yogyakarta special region JW
  1. For reference only, English geographical unit name not included in the ISO 3166-2 standard.
  2. For reference only, English name not included in the ISO 3166-2 standard.


The following changes to the entry have been announced in newsletters by the ISO 3166/MA since the first publication of ISO 3166-2 in 1998. ISO stopped issuing newsletters in 2013.

Newsletter Date issued Description of change in newsletter Code/Subdivision change
Newsletter I-2 2002-05-21 Addition of four new provinces and deletion of one (ID-TT). Inclusion of one alternative name form and one changed province name (ID-PA, formerly ID-IJ) Subdivisions added:
ID-BB Bangka Belitung
ID-BT Banten
ID-GO Gorontalo
ID-MU Maluku Utara
Subdivisions deleted:
ID-TT Timor Timur (see ISO 3166-2:TL)
Codes: (to correct duplicate use)
ID-IJ Irian Jaya (province)ID-PA Papua
Newsletter I-4 2002-12-10 Change of name of one geographical unit
Newsletter I-6 2004-03-08 Move "Aceh" to a new category of "autonomous province". Addition of a new province "Kepulauan Riau" Subdivisions added:
ID-KR Kepulauan Riau
Newsletter I-7 2005-09-13 Addition of a new province "Sulawesi Barat" Subdivisions added:
ID-SR Sulawesi Barat
Newsletter II-1 2010-02-03
Addition of the country code prefix as the first code element, alphabetical re-ordering, administrative update Subdivisions added:
ID-PB Papua Barat
Newsletter II-3 2011-12-13
Removal of duplicate code Codes:
Maluku (geographical unit) ID-MAID-ML

The following changes to the entry are listed on ISO's online catalogue, the Online Browsing Platform:

Effective date of change Short description of change (en)
2010-02-19 Addition of the country code prefix as the first code element, alphabetical re-ordering, administrative update
2011-12-13 Removal of duplicate code
2014-10-30 Add province ID-KU; change code for Papua formerly ID-IJ; update List Source
2015-11-27 Update List Source
2016-11-15 Addition of local variation of ID-JK, ID-YO; change of spelling of ID-BB, update list source
2017-11-23 Change of spelling of category name in eng/fra from special district to capital district (ID-JK); change of category name from autonomous province to province for ID-AC; deletion of category autonomous province (eng) / province autonome (fra) / nanggroe (ind); update List Source
2022-11-29 Addition of provinces ID-PE, ID-PS and ID-PT; Update List Source
2023-11-23 Addition of province ID-PD; Update List Source

See also

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