ISO 3166-2:KG

ISO 3166-2:KG is the entry for Kyrgyzstan in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.

Currently for Kyrgyzstan, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for 2 cities and 7 regions. The cities Bishkek and Osh have special status equal to the regions.

Each code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen. The first part is KG, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of Kyrgyzstan. The second part is either of the following:

  • one letter: regions
  • two letters: city

Current codes

Subdivision names are listed as in the ISO 3166-2 standard published by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA).

ISO 639-1 codes are used to represent subdivision names in the following administrative languages:

Click on the button in the header to sort each column.

Code Subdivision name (ky)
(BGN/PCGN 1979)
Subdivision name (ky) [note 1] Subdivision name (ru) (BGN/PCGN 1947) Subdivision name (ru) (GOST 1983 = UN V/18 1987) Subdivision name (ru)
[note 2]
Subdivision name (en) [note 3] Subdiv. cat.
KG-B Batken Баткен Batkenskaya oblast' Batkenskaja oblast' Баткенская область Batken region
KG-GB Bishkek Shaary Бишкек шаары Gorod Bishkek Gorod Biškek Город Бишкек Bishkek city
KG-C Chüy Чүй Chuyskaya
Chuy region
KG-J Jalal-Abad Жалал-Абад Dzhalal-Abadskaya oblast' Džalal-Abadskaja oblast' Джалал-Абадская область Jalal-Abad region
KG-N Naryn Нарын Narynskaya
Narynskaja oblast' Нарынская область Naryn region
KG-O Osh Ош Oshskaya
Osh region
KG-GO Osh Shaary Ош шаары Gorod Osh Gorod Oš Город Ош Osh City city
KG-T Talas Талас Talasskaya
Talasskaja oblast' Таласская область Talas region
KG-Y Ysyk-Köl Ысык-Көл Issyk-Kul'skaya oblast' Issyk-Kul'skaja oblast' Иссык-Кульская область Issyk-Kul region
  1. For reference only, Kyrgyz name in Cyrillic script not included in the ISO 3166-2 standard.
  2. For reference only, Russian name in Cyrillic script not included in the ISO 3166-2 standard.
  3. For reference only, English name not included in the ISO 3166-2 standard.


The following changes to the entry have been announced in newsletters by the ISO 3166/MA since the first publication of ISO 3166-2 in 1998:

Newsletter Date issued Description of change in newsletter Code/Subdivision change
Newsletter I-4 2002-12-10 Addition of one region and one city. One spelling correction Subdivisions added:
KG-GB Bishkek
KG-B Batken
Online Browsing Platform (OBP) 2020-11-24 Correction of subdivision category in kir replacing oblast with oblus; Correction of subdivision names KG-GB, KG-GO in kir; Update List Source

See also

  • Subdivisions of Kyrgyzstan
  • FIPS region codes of Kyrgyzstan
  • Neighbouring countries: CN, KZ, TJ, UZ
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