Sabahan languages

The Sabahan languages are a group of Austronesian languages centered on the Bornean province of Sabah.

Sabah, Borneo
Linguistic classificationAustronesian


Blust (2010)

The constituents are separated into two families in Blust (2010):

Northeast Sabahan
Southwest Sabahan

Lobel (2013)

Lobel (2013b, p. 47, 361) proposes the following internal classification of Southwest Sabahan, based on phonological and morphological evidence.[1]

Lobel (2013:367–368) lists the following Proto-Southwest Sabahan phonological innovations that were developed from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian. (Note: PSWSAB stands for Proto-Southwest Sabahan, while PMP stands for Proto-Malayo-Polynesian.)

  • PMP *h > PSWSAB Ø
  • PMP *a > PSWSAB *ə / _# (possibly be an areal feature in Sabah or northern Borneo, since this is also found in Idaanic)
  • PMP *R > PSWSAB *h / (a,i,u)_(a,ə,u)
  • PMP *R > PSWSAB *g / ə_
  • PMP *-m- > ø in PSWSAB reflexes of the PMP pronoun forms *kami ‘1EXCL.NOM’, *mami ‘1EXCL.GEN’, and *kamu ‘2PL.NOM’
  • Reduction of most PMP consonant clusters to either singletons or prenasalized clusters

Smith (2017)

Smith (2017)[2] proposes a North Borneo group comprising the North Sarawak, Northeast Sabah, and Southwest Sabah branches.

  • North Sarawak
    • Bintulu
    • Berawan–Lower Baram
    • Dayic
    • Kenyah
  • Northeast Sabah (Bonggi, Idaanic)
  • Southwest Sabah
    • Greater Dusunic
      • Bisaya-Lotud-Dusunic
        • Bisaya-Lotud (Sabah and Limbang Bisaya, Brunei Dusun, Lotud)
        • Dusunic (Bundu, Liwan, Tindal, Tobilung, Rungus, Kadazan, Kujau, Minokok, Dumpas, etc)
      • Paitanic (Beluran, Lingkabau, Lobu, Kuamut, Murut Serudong)
    • Greater Murutic
      • Tatana
      • Papar
      • Murutic (Murut (Nabaay, Timugon, Paluan, Tagol, Kalabakan), Gana, Tingalan, Kolod, Abai, Bulusu, Tidung (Bengawong, Sumbol, Kalabakan, Mensalong, Malinau))


  1. Lobel (2013b), pp. 36–68
  2. Smith, Alexander (2017). The Languages of Borneo: A Comprehensive Classification (PDF) (Ph.D. dissertation). University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.


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