List of Italian foods and drinks

This is a list of Italian foods and drinks. Italian cuisine has developed through centuries of social and political changes, with roots as far back as the 4th century BC. Italian cuisine has its origins in Etruscan, ancient Greek, and ancient Roman cuisines. Significant changes occurred with the discovery of the New World and the introduction of potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers and maize, now central to the cuisine, but not introduced in quantity until the 18th century.[1][2]

Pizza pugliese (left) and pizza Margherita (DOC) (right)
Tiramisu is an Italian dessert.

Italian cuisine includes deeply rooted traditions common to the whole country, as well as all the regional gastronomies, different from each other, especially between the north, the centre and the south of Italy, which are in continuous exchange.[3][4][5] Many dishes that were once regional have proliferated with variations throughout the country.[6][7] Italian cuisine offers an abundance of taste, and is one of the most popular and copied around the world.[8] The most popular dishes and recipes, over the centuries, have often been created by ordinary people more so than by chefs, which is why many Italian recipes are suitable for home and daily cooking, respecting regional specificities.[9][10][11]

The Mediterranean diet forms the basis of Italian cuisine, rich in pasta, fish, fruits and vegetables.[12] Cheese, cold cuts and wine are central to Italian cuisine, and along with pizza and coffee (especially espresso) form part of Italian gastronomic culture.[13] Desserts have a long tradition of merging local flavours such as citrus fruits, pistachio and almonds with sweet cheeses like mascarpone and ricotta or exotic tastes like cocoa, vanilla and cinnamon. Gelato,[14] tiramisu[15] and cassata are among the most famous examples of Italian desserts, cakes and patisserie. Italian cuisine relies heavily on traditional products; the country has a large number of traditional specialities protected under EU law.[16] Italy is the world's largest producer of wine, as well as the country with the widest variety of indigenous grapevine varieties in the world.[17][18]

Foods and drinks

Note: the "Other foods" section is necessary to list foods without a specific placement.

Soups, sauces and condiments

  • Acquacotta – a soup that was originally a peasant food. Historically, its primary ingredients were water, stale bread, onion, tomato and olive oil,[19] along with various vegetables and leftover foods that may have been available.[20][21]
  • Agliata
  • Agrodolce
  • Alla marinara
  • Amatriciana
  • Arrabbiata
  • Bagna càuda
  • Bagnun
  • Bomba calabrese
  • Brodetto, brodetto alla sambenedettese, brodetto alla vastese, brodetto di Porto Recanati
  • Brodo di carne, brodo di pollo, brodo di quarta
  • Brovada
  • Buridda
  • Capuliato
  • Checca sauce
  • Colatura di alici
  • Elioconcentrato
  • Garmugia
  • Ghiotta (also called ghiotta di pesce and zuppa di pesce alla trapanese)
  • Ginestrata
  • Gremolata
  • Jota
  • Macaroni soup
  • Maccu
  • Mescciüa
  • Minestra di ceci, minestra di fagioli, minestra di patate, minestra maritata
  • Minestrone
  • Mostarda (sometimes also called mostarda di frutta), mostarda vicentina
  • 'Ndruppeche (or ragù potentino)
  • Panada
  • Pancotto
  • Paparele in brodo
  • Pappa al pomodoro
  • Passatelli in brodo
  • Pasta e fagioli
  • Pearà
  • Pesto, pesto alla genovese, pesto alla trapanese, pesto di fave (or marò), pesto di pistacchi, pesto modenese
  • Quatara di Porto Cesareo
  • Ragù – a meat-based sauce commonly served with pasta, ragù alla barese, ragù alla bolognese (lit.'Bolognese sauce'), ragù alla salsiccia, ragù d'anatra, ragù di castrato, ragù di cinghiale, ragù di coniglio, ragù di lepre, ragù napoletano (lit.'Neapolitan ragù')
  • Ribollita
  • Salsa tonnata, salsa verde
  • Sciusceddu
  • Stracciatella (soup)
  • Sugo alla genovese (lit.'Genovese sauce'), sugo alle vongole
  • Zuppa alla modenese, zuppa alla valpellinese, zuppa del canavese, zuppa di cavolo nero, zuppa di cavolo verza, zuppa di cozze, zuppa di cozze alla tarantina, zuppa di cozze e arselle, zuppa di farro, zuppa d'orzo, zuppa frantoiana, zuppa gallurese (or suppa cuata), zuppa pavese, zuppa toscana (or minestra di pane)


  • Crema di pistacchio (or pasta di pistacchio)


  • Biova
  • Biscotti salati all'anice
  • Borlengo
  • Bozza pratese
  • Bruschetta
  • Casatiello
  • Ciabatta – a white bread made from wheat flour, water, salt, olive oil and yeast, created in 1982 by a baker in Adria, Veneto, Italy, in response to popularity of French baguettes
  • Ciaccino senese
  • Ciriola – typical bread of Rome
  • Colomba pasquale
  • Coppia ferrarese
  • Cornetto
  • Cuzzupa
  • Crescentina
  • Crescentina modenese
  • Crescia
  • Crocchè
  • Crostini
  • Donzelle (or zonzelle)
  • Ficattola
  • Filone
  • Focaccia, focaccia al rosmarino, focaccia barese, focaccia con il formaggio, focaccia dolce, focaccia genovese, focaccia secca, focaccia veneta (fugàssa or fugassìn in Venetian language)
  • Frisella
  • Grissini
  • Michetta – typical bread of Milan
  • Moddizzosu
  • Neccio
  • Pandoro
  • Pan di ramerino, panfocaccia, pane cafone (or pane dei Camaldoli), pane carasau, pane casareccio, pane casareccio di Genzano, pane con i ciccioli, pane con uvetta, pane di Altamura, pane di grano Solina, pane di Laterza, pane di Matera, pane di patate, pane integrale, pane nobile di Guardiagrele, pane parruozzo, pane pugliese, pane rustico – traditional crusty peasant bread, pane sciocco (or pane toscano outside Tuscany) – without salt
  • Panettone
  • Panigaccio
  • Panina aretina
  • Panini di Sant'Antonio
  • Panino – in English-speaking countries, panini is widely used as the singular form, with the plural form panini or paninis, though some speakers use singular panino and plural panini as in Italian,[22][23][24][25] panino co i' lampredotto
  • Panone
  • Panonta
  • Penia
  • Piada dei morti
  • Piadina romagnola (or simply piadina, traditionally piada), piadina fritta
  • Pita – typical bread of Catanzaro
  • Pitta di patate
  • Pizza di Pasqua (lit.'Easter pizza') – a rustic pizza with cheese and pepper from the Teramo area
  • Puccia, puccia con le olive nere
  • Puddica
  • Rosetta – typical bread of Rome
  • Schiacciata, schiacciata con l'uva
  • Schiacciatina (or chisolina)
  • Sfilatini di pane
  • Sgabei
  • Spongada
  • Taralli
  • Testaroli
  • Tigella
  • Tortano
  • Tramezzino
  • Vastedda

Common pizzas

  • Calzone – folded over dough usually filled with ricotta and other ingredients
  • Panzerotto
  • Pizza ai frutti di mare – an Italian seafood pizza that may be served with scampi, mussels or squid[26]
  • Pizza al taglio (Italian for pizza by the slice)[27] – a variety of pizza baked in large rectangular trays,[28] and generally sold in rectangular or square slices by weight, with prices marked per kilogram or per 100 grams.[29] This type of pizza was invented in Rome, Italy, and is common throughout Italy.[30]
  • Pizza al tegamino (or pizza al padellino) – a small pan pizza common to Piedmont
  • Pizza bianca (lit.'white pizza') – without tomato sauce
  • Pizza caprese
  • Pizza capricciosa – with tomato, mozzarella, mushrooms, artichokes, black and green olives
  • Pizza fritta (lit.'fried pizza') – shallow-fried pizza[31]
  • Pizza Margherita – tomato and mozzarella
  • Pizza marinara – tomato, oregano and garlic
  • Pizza napoletana (lit.'Neapolitan pizza') – tomato, mozzarella and anchovy
  • Pizza pugliese – tomato, mozzarella and onions
  • Pizza quattro formaggi (lit.'four cheese pizza') – with four different cheeses, typically Parmesan, Gorgonzola, ricotta and mozzarella (sometimes melted together, sometimes in sectors), with (rossa, lit.'red') or without tomato sauce (bianca, lit.'white')[32]
  • Pizza quattro stagioni (lit.'four seasons pizza') – based on tomato and divided in four sectors, one for each season
  • Pizza romana (lit.'Roman pizza') – tomato, mozzarella, capers and anchovy
  • Pizza siciliana (lit.'Sicilian pizza') and sfincione / sfinciuni) – tomato, mozzarella, capers, olive and anchovy
  • Sardenaira

Pasta varieties

A collection of different pasta varieties

Pasta dishes

Lasagne al forno with ragù
Bucatini all'amatriciana
Gnocchi di ricotta, dressed in butter and sage
Penne all'arrabbiata
Ravioli di ricotta e spinaci
Spaghetti cacio e pepe
Tortelli di zucca
  • Anelletti al forno (or timballo di anelletti)
  • Anolini in brodo
  • Battolli caiegue
  • Bigoli in salsa, bigoli col musso, bigoli con l'anatra, bigoli con le sardelle
  • Bucatini all'amatriciana
  • Busiate alla trapanese
  • Caccavelle alla sorrentina
  • Cacio e pepe
  • Canederli alla tirolese (Knödel)
  • Cannelloni ai carciofi, cannelloni di carne, cannelloni ricotta e spinaci
  • Carbonara
  • Cappellacci di zucca
  • Cappelletti in brodo
  • Caramelle di pasta con ricotta e spinaci
  • Casoncelli, casoncelli alla bresciana
  • Casunziei ampezzani
  • Cavatelli ai frutti di mare, cavatelli al pomodoro, cavatelli alla sorrentina, cavatelli allo scoglio, cavatelli cozze e fagioli
  • Cavati e ravioli alla ragusana
  • Ciceri e tria
  • Chnéffléne
  • Cjarsons
  • Corzetti liguri (or croxetti)
  • Culurgiones (or culurgionis)
  • Falsi testaroli al ragù
  • Fettuccine Alfredo, fettuccine al burro, fettuccine all'abruzzese, fettuccine alla papalina
  • Fileja al ragù
  • Fregola con arselle
  • Garganelli panna, prosciutto e piselli
  • Gnocchi, gnocchi al Castelmagno, gnocchi all'ossolana, gnocchi alla bava, gnocchi alla romana (or gnocchi di semolino) – dumplings made with semolina flour,[35] gnocchi alla sorrentina, gnocchi alla veneta, gnocchi con radicchio, noci e salsa di gorzongola, gnocchi di malga (or gnochi sbatùi), gnocchi di patate, gnocchi di ricotta, gnocchi di zucca, gnocchi ricci
  • Gnudi
  • Gramigna alla salsiccia
  • Insalata di pasta
  • Lagane e ceci, also known as piatto del brigante (lit.'brigand's dish')
  • Laina e ceci
  • Lasagna, lasagna bianca, lasagne al pesto, lasagne alla bolognese, lasagne di Carnevale, lasagne festonate
  • Lasagnette
  • Lasagnotte
  • Maccheroncini di Campofilone al ragù
  • Maccheroni al ragù, maccheroni alla chitarra (or maccheroni carrati), maccheroni alla molinara, maccheroni alla napoletana, maccheroni alla pastora, maccheroni con il sugo di capra
  • Malfatti, malfatti di Carpenedolo
  • Malloreddus alla campidanese
  • Manfredi con la ricotta
  • Marubini cremonesi
  • Mpurnatu
  • Orecchiette al sugo con cacioricotta, orecchiette alla materana, orecchiette con cime di rapa
  • Paccheri al sugo di calamari, paccheri ripieni
  • Pansotti alla genovese – a type of huge ravioli, pansotti alla salsa di noci
  • Pappardelle al ragù bianco di cinta senese, pappardelle al ragù di cinghiale, pappardelle al ragù di lepre
  • Passatelli in brodo
  • Pasta â Paolina, pasta al forno (or timballo di pasta), pasta al pesto, pasta al pesto di pistacchi, pasta al pomodoro, pasta all'Ortolana, pasta alla boscaiola, pasta alla checca, pasta alla gricia, pasta alla norcina, pasta alla Norma, pasta alla sorrentina, pasta allo scarpariello, pasta burro e parmigiano, pasta burro e salvia, pasta cacio e uova, pasta ca nunnata, pasta chi vrocculi arriminati, pasta coi bisi, pasta con i carciofi, pasta con i peperoni cruschi, pasta con la ricotta, pasta con le sarde, pasta con salmone affumicato, pasta del cornuto (or pasta dei cornuti), pasta e cavolfiore, pasta e ceci, pasta e ceci con la 'nduja, pasta e fagioli con le cozze, pasta e lenticchie, pasta e patate, pasta e piselli, pasta e zucca, pasta in bianco, pasta mollicata, pasta 'ncasciata
  • Pastina in brodo
  • Penne al baffo, penne all'arrabbiata, penne alla calabrese, penne alla norcina, penne alla vodka
  • Piccagge di ricotta, piccagge liguri
  • Pici all'aglione
  • Pisarei e faśö
  • Ravioli, ravioli capresi, ravioli del plin, ravioli di borragine, ravioli di magro, ravioli di patate, ravioli di ricotta e spinaci, ravioli scarpolesi
  • Rigatoni alla silana, rigatoni con la pajata
  • Sagne a lu cuttéure, sagne e fagioli, sagne 'ncannulate (or sagne torte)
  • Scarpinocc
  • Scialatielli ai frutti di mare
  • Spaghetti al nero di seppia, spaghetti aglio e olio, spaghetti all'amatriciana, spaghetti all'assassina, spaghetti alla carbonara, spaghetti alla carrettiera, spaghetti alla chitarra con pallottine, spaghetti alla chitarra con sugo di agnello, spaghetti alla chitarra con ricotta, salsiccia e zafferano, spaghetti alla cipolla, spaghetti alla marinara, spaghetti alla molisana, spaghetti alla Nerano, spaghetti alla puttanesca, spaghetti alla siciliana, spaghetti alla vesuviana, spaghetti alle vongole, spaghetti alle vongole fujute, spaghetti allo scoglio, spaghetti con la bottarga, spaghetti con le cozze, spaghetti con puntarelle, acciughe e briciole, spaghetti indiavolati, spaghetti pomodoro e basilico, spaghetti siracusani
  • Stroncatura
  • Spätzle
  • Tagliatelle ai carciofi, tagliatelle ai funghi porcini, tagliatelle al limone, tagliatelle al pomodoro, tagliatelle al ragù, tagliatelle al salmone, tagliatelle alla bolognese, tagliatelle alla boscaiola, tagliatelle con funghi e salsiccia
  • Tagliolini al tartufo bianco, tagliolini al limone, tagliolini alla Campobasso
  • Testaroli al pesto
  • Tordelli lucchesi
  • Tortél dóls di Colorno
  • Tortelli, tortelli alla piacentina, tortelli amari di Castel Goffredo, tortelli cremaschi, tortelli della Possenta, tortelli di patate, tortelli di zucca, tortelli maremmani con spinaci, tortelli verdi
  • Tortellini, tortellini al pomodoro, tortellini alla bolognese, tortellini alla boscaiola, tortellini burro e salvia, tortellini di Valeggio sul Mincio, tortellini in brodo, tortellini panna e prosciutto
  • Tortelloni
  • Trenette al pesto
  • Troccoli con pomodori secchi, acciughe e mollica di pane
  • Trofie al pesto, trofie con crema di noci, trofie alla Portofino
  • Tumact me tulez
  • Turtèl sguasaròt
  • Vincisgrassi, vincisgrassi alla maceratese
  • Ziti al forno, ziti al ragù napoletano

Rice dishes

Insalata di riso

Rice dishes are very common in northern Italy, especially in the Lombardy and Veneto regions, though rice dishes are found throughout the country.

Fish dishes

A variation of acqua pazza, a fish dish featuring black olives, scallions and mushrooms
Baccalà alla lucana
Sarde in saor
  • Acciughe fritte
  • Acquadelle o latterini fritti
  • Acqua pazza
  • Alici arreganate, alici fritte, alici in carpione, alici indorate e fritte, alici marinate
  • Anguilla marinata[37]
  • Baccalà, baccalà all'abruzzese, baccalà alla lucana, baccalà alla vicentina, baccalà fritto, baccalà mantecato[38]
  • Boreto alla graisana
  • Branzino al sale
  • Cacciucco
  • Calamari fritti,[39] calamari ripieni
  • Capesante alla veneziana, capesante gratinate
  • Capitone fritto
  • Caponata di pesce spada
  • Cappon magro
  • Carpaccio
  • Coregone di Campotosto
  • Cozze alla marinara, cozze alla tarantina, cozze fritte, cozze ripiene
  • Cuscus di pesce (or cuscus alla trapanese)
  • Filetti di merluzzo in padella, filetti di orata al cartoccio
  • Frittata di bianchetti
  • Frittura di pesce (or frittura mista di pesce)
  • Gamberi al forno
  • Gamberoni in padella
  • Granseola alla veneziana
  • Impanata di pesce spada
  • Impepata di cozze
  • Involtini di pesce spada, involtini di platessa
  • Missoltini con polenta
  • Moscardini alla ligure
  • Nasello al forno (lit.'baked hake')
  • Orata al forno, orata alla griglia
  • Ostriche alla griglia
  • Pesce a scabecciu
  • Pesce spada al forno, pesce spada al salmoriglio, pesce spada alla ghiotta, pesce spada alla siciliana
  • Polenta e aringhe
  • Polpette di pesce
  • Polpi alla lucìana
  • Sarde a beccafico – stuffed sardines,[40] sarde al forno, sarde fritte, sarde grigliate, sarde in saor, sarde ripiene
  • Scampi gratinati
  • Scapece alla vastese, scapece gallipolina
  • Seppie alla veneziana, seppie e piselli, seppie in umido, seppie in zimino, seppie ripiene al forno
  • Sogliola alla mugnaia
  • Spiedini di mare, spiedini di anguilla
  • Stoccafisso accomodato alla ligure
  • Tiella, tiella barese (riso, patate e cozze)
  • Tonno alla siciliana, tonno sott'olio
  • Totani ripieni
  • Triglie alla livornese

Meat dishes and cured meats

Abbacchio alla romana
Braciola served with grilled aubergines
Bruscitti served with polenta porridge
Carne pizzaiola
Cotoletta with potatoes
Rabbit cacciatora
Trippa alla parmigiana
  • Abbacchio, abbacchio a scottadito, abbacchio alla cacciatora, abbacchio alla romana
  • Agnello al forno con patate, agnello cacio e uova, agnello con olive, agnello in padella, agnello in umido
  • Arrosticini
  • Barbozzo (Umbrian guanciale)
  • Bardiccio
  • Batsoà
  • Biroldo
  • Bistecca alla fiorentina (lit.'beefsteak Florentine style')
  • Bollito misto
  • Braciola, braciola di maiale
  • Braciolone
  • Brasato, brasato al vino
  • Bresaola, bresaola della Valtellina
  • Brodo di carne
  • Bruscitti
  • Budellacci di interiora
  • Cacciatore – refers to a meal prepared "hunter-style" with onions, herbs, usually tomatoes, often bell peppers, and sometimes wine.
  • Caldume
  • Capocollo
  • Cappello del prete (or tricorno)
  • Capra alla neretese, capra e fagioli
  • Capretto al forno
  • Carne cruda all'albese
  • Carne pizzaiola
  • Carne salada e fasoi
  • Cassoeula
  • Cervellatine
  • Ciarimbolo
  • Cima alla genovese
  • Coda alla vaccinara
  • Coniglio alla Sanremese, coniglio all'ischitana
  • Coppa di testa, coppa di Parma
  • Coppiette
  • Cosce di pollo al forno
  • Cosce di rana
  • Cotechino, cotechino e lenticchie, cotechino friulano (or musèt), cotechino in crosta, cotechino Modena
  • Cotoletta, cotoletta alla bolognese, cotoletta alla milanese, cotolette in carpione
  • Crostini neri toscani
  • Culatello di Zibello, culatello con cotenna (also called culatta or culaccia)
  • Farsu magru
  • Fegatelli
  • Fegato alla veneziana
  • Filetto di vitello in mantello di pancetta e verza
  • Finocchiona
  • Fiocchetto (or fiocco di culatello)
  • Frittola
  • Frittole
  • Galantina
  • Galletto alla brace, galletto alla griglia, galletto alla piastra
  • Gelatina di maiale
  • Grigliata mista
  • Guanciale
  • Gulasch
  • Involtini di carne, involtini di cotenna
  • Lampredotto
  • Lardo, lardo di Colonnata
  • Lepre in salmì
  • Likëngë
  • Lonza al latte
  • Lucanica, Lucanica di Picerno
  • Luganega
  • Mazzafegato, mazzafegato di Fabriano
  • Mazzarelle
  • Mondeghili
  • Mortadella, mortadella Bologna, mortadella della Val di Non, mortadella della Val d'Ossola, mortadella di Amatrice, mortadella di Camaiore, mortadella di Campotosto, mortadella di fegato (or fidighin), mortadella di Prato, mortadella trequandina, mortadella umbra
  • Motsetta
  • Muscisca
  • 'Nduja
  • Oca in onto
  • 'O pere e 'o musso (lit.'the foot and the muzzle')
  • Oseleti scapadi
  • Ossobuco, ossobuco alla fiorentina
  • Padellaccia di maiale
  • Pagliata
  • Pancetta
  • Pani câ meusa
  • Paninu cu satizzu
  • Passatelli all'urbinate
  • Pastin
  • Pastissada de caval
  • Pecora alla callara
  • Pezzetti di cavallo
  • Piccata
  • Pitina
  • Polenta e osei
  • Pollo alla birra, pollo alla cacciatora, pollo alla potentina
  • Polpette al sugo
  • Porceddu (or porcheddu)
  • Porchetta, porchetta abruzzese, porchetta trevigiana
  • Prosciutto amatriciano, prosciutto cotto (lit.'cooked ham'), prosciutto cotto affumicato (lit.'smoked cooked ham'), prosciutto crudo, prosciutto crudo di Cuneo, prosciutto del Montefeltro, prosciutto di agnello, prosciutto di Carpegna, prosciutto di Modena, prosciutto di Norcia, prosciutto di Parma, prosciutto di San Daniele, prosciutto di Sauris, prosciutto toscano, Prosciutto Veneto (or Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo)
  • Rosticciana, rosticciata trentina (or Gröstl)
  • Rovelline lucchesi
  • Salama da sugo
  • Salame all'aglio, salame ciauscolo, salame cotto (lit.'cooked salami'), salame del Montefeltro, salame di cavallo, salame di Fabriano, salame di Varzi, salame Felino, salame genovese di Sant'Olcese, salame gentile, salame lardellato, salame mantovano, salame Milano, salame sotto grasso, salame strolghino, salame toscano, salame ungherese
  • Salami
  • Salsiccia (lit.'sausage'), salsiccia cruda, (lit.'raw sausage'), salsiccia di Bra, salsiccia di Calabria
  • Saltimbocca
  • Sanguinaccio
  • Scaloppine, scaloppine al limone, scaloppine alla romana
  • Sfilacci di cavallo
  • Slinzega
  • Soperzata di Rivello
  • Soppressata, soppressata bresciana, soppressata cilentana, soppressata del Molise, soppressata del Vallo di Diano, soppressata di Calabria, soppressata di Decollatura (or soppressata della Presila), soppressata di Ricigliano, soppressata toscana (or capofreddo, capaccia, soprassata)
  • Sopressa, sopressa di Asiago, sopressa di cavallo, soppressa friulana, sopressa trevigiana, sopressa vicentina
  • Spalla di San Secondo
  • Speck Alto Adige, speck di Sauris
  • Spezzatino, spezzatino di musso
  • Stecchi alla genovese
  • Stigghiola
  • Straccetti, of various varieties
  • Stracotto alla piacentina
  • Strutto
  • Testa in cassetta
  • Torcinello
  • Torresani allo spiedo (piccioni allo spiedo)
  • Trippa, trippa alla milanese (or busecca), trippa alla parmigiana, trippa alla romana, trippa alla veneta
  • Valle d'Aosta Jambon de Bosses
  • Ventricina
  • Vitello in fricandò, vitello tonnato
  • Zampina
  • Zampone Modena

Vegetable dishes

  • Acciughe al verde
  • Acquasale
  • Caponata – a Sicilian aubergine (eggplant) dish consisting of a cooked vegetable salad made from chopped fried eggplant and celery seasoned with sweetened vinegar, with capers in a sweet and sour sauce[41]
  • Carciofi alla giudia, carciofi alla romana
  • Ciambotta
  • Crauti (sauerkraut)
  • Erbazzone (or scarpazzone)
  • Fave e cicoria, fave stufate
  • Fiori di zucca fritti in pastella
  • Frittelle della Tuscia (or frittelle di borragine)
  • Giardiniera
  • Insalata caprese (lit.'caprese salad') – a salad of tomatoes, mozzarella and basil, insalata di arance (lit.'orange salad') – a typical salad dish of Sicilian and Spanish cuisine which uses oranges as its main ingredient. It is usually served at the beginning or at the end of a meal,[42] insalata di melanzane alla menta, insalata di pomodori, insalata di rinforzo, insalata pantesca (lit.'Pantesca salad') – a salad consisting of tomatoes, boiled potatoes, red onions and mackerel (or fresh cheese) and seasoned with olive oil, oregano, salt and capers
  • Macco di fave
  • Melanzane a barchetta, melanzane a funghetto, melanzane al cioccolato, melanzane al forno, melanzane alla scapece, melanzane ripiene
  • Panzanella – a Tuscan salad of bread and tomatoes, popular in the summer
  • Parmigiana di melanzane
  • Pasta fredda (lit.'pasta salad')
  • Peperonata
  • Peperoncini verdi fritti
  • Peperoni in padella, peperoni ripieni, peperoni ripieni alla calabrese (pipi chini)
  • Pinzimonio – Italian-style crudités[43]
  • Pizza di scarola
  • Polpette di melanzane, polpettone di melanzane
  • Radicchio al forno, radicchio alla piastra
  • Rollatini
  • Zucchine alla scapece

Nut dishes

  • Chestnut pie – has been documented back to the 15th century in Italy, in the book De honesta voluptate et valetudine (English: On honest indulgence and good health) written by the Italian writer and gastronomist Bartolomeo Platina.[44]


Tuscan Chianti in a traditional fiasco
Sangiovese grapes
Vineyards in Langhe and Montferrat, Piedmont, the official name of a UNESCO World Heritage Site comprising "five distinct wine-growing areas with outstanding landscapes" plus the Castle of Grinzane Cavour in the region of Piedmont, Italy.[45]
DOCG and DOC labels on two Italian wine bottles
Poggio Amorelli, a typical winery of Chianti region
A bottle of Prosecco di Conegliano spumante extra dry and a glass of Prosecco frizzante, which stops forming bubbles soon after it is poured
A Montepulciano d'Abruzzo wine made from the Montepulciano grape, in the Abruzzo region


Bottles of limoncello

Non-alcoholic drinks

  • Latte di mandorla


Cheese dishes

Desserts and pastry

Confetti di Sulmona
Gelo di melone
  • Aceto dolce – fruit preserves made with vinegar, honey, and grape juice[46]

Other foods

Olive all'ascolana
  • Capunsei
  • Chifeletti
  • Ciaudedda
  • Ciccioli
  • Cocule salentine
  • Condiglione
  • Fagioli con le cotiche
  • Fagottini di pasta sfoglia
  • Farinata, farinata di zucca
  • Focaccia ripiena
  • Frascarelli
  • Frico, frico con le patate
  • Frittata, frittata ai fiori di zucca, frittata di asparagi, frittata di cipolle, frittata di pasta (or frittata di maccheroni), frittata di riso, frittata di scammaro, frittata di spinaci, frittata di zucchine
  • Involtini di verza
  • Olive all'ascolana
  • Pallotte cacio e ova
  • Panelle
  • Panissa
  • Pasticcio del monsù (also known as Timballo del Principe or Timballo del Gattopardo
  • Patata americana
  • Pere martine al Barolo
  • Pizzelle fritte
  • Polenta, polenta bianca
  • Rafanata
  • Rosette (or nidi di rondine)
  • Rustico leccese
  • Scabeggio di Moneglia
  • Scagliozzi
  • Sciurilli
  • Scrippelle 'mbusse
  • Sformato al basilico, sformato di finocchi, sformato di Pasqua, sformato di ricotta e spinaci, sformato di riso
  • Sgabeo
  • Strucolo di patate
  • Timballo, timballo abruzzese, timballo alla teramana, timballo di maccheroni, timballo di riso
  • Torta pasqualina
  • Tortelli alla lastra
  • Tortino di patate
  • Vellutata di zucca
  • Zeppole di pasta cresciuta
  • Zippula
  • Zucca gratinata



Espresso is coffee brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans.
  • Bicerin – coffee, hot chocolate and whipped cream, only in Turin
  • Caffè alla napoletana – made with a caffettiera napoletana
  • Caffè americano – believed to have originated in World War II, when American G.I.s in Italy would dilute espresso with hot water to approximate the coffee to which they were accustomed.
  • Caffè corretto
  • Caffè latte
  • Caffè leccese or caffè in ghiaccio – espresso over ice with addition of almond milk instead of sugar, typical in Salento
  • Caffè macchiato
  • Caffè moka – made with a moka pot
  • Caffè shakerato – a sweet iced coffee drink
  • Cappuccino
  • Doppio
  • Espressino
  • Espresso – known generally in Italy simply as caffè
  • Grolla dell'amicizia – coffee and grappa served in a traditional bulbous wooden loving cup, shaped like a multi-spouted teapot, and drunk in the Aosta Valley and Piedmont
  • Latte macchiato – similar to a caffè latte, but with less coffee
  • Lungo
  • Marocchino – similar to a small cappuccino, invariably served in a glass, and drunk mainly in Turin, in the whole Piedmont and in Milan; similar to the espressino
  • Ristretto
  • Uovo sbattuto "con caffè" – a once popular high energy breakfast, item enjoyed by children

Olive oil

Fruits and vegetables

  • Arancia rossa di Sicilia
  • Femminello del Gargano, interdonato di Messina, limone Costa d'Amalfi (or sfusato amalfitano), limone di Rocca Imperiale, limone di Siracusa, limone di Sorrento
  • Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

  • Asino – cheese of Carnic Prealps
  • Brovada – cooked turnips that were preserved in marc
  • Cjarsons – sort of tortellini with a ricotta filling, of the Carnic Alps
  • Cuguluf – leavened cake of Viennese origin
  • Formadi frânt and formadi salât – cheeses
  • Frico – sliced cooked potatoes with onions and Montasio cheese
  • Gubana – cake made with a very rich filling of dry fruits, raisins and candied citron
  • Kipfel – small fried crescent, made with a kind of potato dumpling dough
  • Montasio – cheese of the Friuli
  • Prosciutto di San Daniele – famous ham exported all over the world
  • Scuete fumade – sweet smoked ricotta
  • Prosciutto di Sauris, of Cormons and of the Karst Plateau
  • Speck di Sauris


Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol

  • Carne salada e fasoi – aromatized salt beef with beans
  • Crautisauerkraut
  • Minestrone di orzetto – barley soup
  • Speck – a type of salume from the historical-geographical region of Tyrol and generally obtained from pork leg subjected to a process of cold-smoking
  • Strangolapreti – spinach dumplings
  • Spätzle – a typical Trentino Alto Adige first course, similar to strozzapreti in flavour, different in form
  • Zelten – a typical dessert of the Christmas tradition of the Trentino-Alto Adige region. Made with dried fruit (pine nuts, walnuts, almonds) and candied fruit.
  • Grostoli (in dialect Grostoi (Grøśtœį)) – typical fried dessert from the Trentino-Alto Adige culture
  • Strauben – Austro-Hungarian culinary artefact, served in every alpine hut with plenty of "currant jam" (marmelada de ribes) on top


Tortelli di zucca
Pavese agnolotti with Pavese stew-based sauce
  • Agnolini – a type of egg-based stuffed pasta originating from the province of Mantua (in the Mantuan dialect they are commonly called agnulìn or agnulì), often eaten in soup or broth
  • Agnolotti pavesi – a type of egg-based stuffed pasta served dry, with a sauce based on Pavese stew,[47] or in goose broth[48][49]
  • Amaretti di Saronno – a type of amaretto, a bitter-sweet flavored macaron, traditional to Saronno, a comune (municipality) of Lombardy
  • Bel Paese – a semi-soft cheese. It was invented in 1906 by Egidio Galbani who wanted to produce a mild and delicate cheese to sell mainly in Italy. The name Bel Paese (lit.'Beautiful Country') comes from the title of a book written by Antonio Stoppani (though the reference is much older, being used by Dante and Petrarch); it is used as a phrase for Italy itself.[50]
  • Bisciola – an artisanal sweet leavened bread originating from the Valtellina valley of Lombardy, Italy.[51] It is typically prepared for Christmas,[51] during which time it is an essential component of Christmas festivities.[52]
  • Bitto – a DOP (denominazione di origine protetta) cheese produced in the Valtelline Valley, in Lombardy. It owes its name to the Bitto River. Bitto is produced only in the summer months, when the cows feed on the high alpine meadows.
  • Bresaola – an air-dried, salted beef (but it can also be made of horse, venison and pork) that has been aged two or three months until it becomes hard and turns a dark red, almost purple color. It is made from top (inside) round, and it is lean and tender, with a sweet, musty smell.[53]
  • Bruscitti – a braised meat dish cut very thin and cooked in wine and fennel seeds, historically obtained by stripping leftover meat. Originating from Alto Milanese, are common in the whole Insubria.
  • Casoncelli – a kind of stuffed pasta, typical of the culinary tradition of Lombardy, in the north-central part of Italy[54]
  • Cassoeula – a typical winter dish popular in Western Lombardy. The dish has a strong, decisive flavour, and was a favourite of conductor Arturo Toscanini.[55] One writer describes it as a "noble, ancient Milanese dish",[56] and writes of the inexpressible "pleasure that it furnishes the soul as well as the palate, especially on a wintry day".[56]
  • Colomba pasquale – a traditional Easter bread, the counterpart of the two well-known Italian Christmas desserts, panettone and pandoro
  • Cotoletta alla milanese – a popular variety of cotoletta[57] found in the city of Milan. It is traditionally prepared with a veal rib chop or sirloin bone-in and made into a breaded cutlet, fried in butter.
  • Gorgonzola – a veined PDO Italian blue cheese, made from unskimmed cow's milk. It can be buttery or firm, crumbly and quite salty, with a "bite" from its blue veining.[58] Outside the EU and the countries recognizing the geographical origin protection, the name "Gorgonzola" can legally be used for similar cheeses, with only the full Italian name unambiguously referring to PDO Gorgonzola. It is a famously pungent cheese.
  • Mascarpone – a soft acid-set cream cheese.[59][60][61] It is recognized in Italy as a prodotto agroalimentare tradizionale ("traditional agri-food product"; PAT).[62]
  • Michetta – a white bread, recognizable by its bulged shape
  • Mondeghilimeatballs typical of Milanese cuisine in the Italian region of Lombardy. The main ingredient of the dish is leftover meat, usually beef because of its popularity in Milan: the dish was developed to use up leftover cuts of beef. The meatballs are also enriched with sausage, raw salami, liver, mortadella and other pork.[63] The first attested recipe for mondeghili dates back to 1839.[63]
  • Mostaccino – a spicy biscuit typical of Crema, Lombardy, Italy. Mainly used in the preparation of the filling of tortelli cremaschi, it includes nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, mace, cilantro, star anise, black pepper and cocoa among the ingredients.[64] It has a spicy flavour.[65]
  • Mostarda di Cremona – a sweet/spicy sauce made with candied fruits and meant to be served along boiled beef
  • Nocciolini di Canzo – a small sweet amaretto-style biscuits with hazelnut flour
  • Ossobuco – a specialty of Lombard cuisine of cross-cut veal shanks braised with vegetables, white wine, and broth. It is often garnished with gremolata and traditionally served with either risotto alla milanese or polenta, depending on the regional variation.[66] The marrow in the hole in the bone, a prized delicacy, is the defining feature of the dish.[67][68]
  • Pan meino – a typical Lombard dessert, from the provinces of Milan, Monza, Lodi, Lecco and Como. Pan Meino is a small sweet flatbread flavored with elderflower.
  • Panettone – a Milanese Christmas traditional sweet bread made with a yeast and egg dough along with candied citrus peel, and raisins
  • Pizzoccheribuckwheat tagliatelle dressed with potatoes, greens (often Swiss chard or spinach), butter and Bitto cheese: a speciality of the Valtellina
  • Quartirolo Lombardo – a soft cheese made with cow's milk, which has a protected designation of origin (PDO) status
  • Risotto alla milanese – a stirred rice dish made with Vialone or Carnaroli rice flavored with saffron and beef marrow
  • Rosa Camuna – a mild semi-hard paste cheese made with partially skimmed cow's milk. Its shape and name come from the Camunian rose of Val Camonica where the cheese is produced.
  • Salame di Varzi
  • Salva – a cheese from Crema (PDO) made with raw curd. It is a washed-rind cheese that undergoes a medium or long aging period.
  • Silter – a hard cheese made within the Alpine Lombardy region around province of Brescia and surrounding areas and traditionally produced with unpasteurised cows milk during summer months and September.[69][70] It is brined.[71]
  • Spongarda – a local cake with its origins in Crema. The Lombardy region includes it as spongarda di Crema in the list of traditional food products.[72]
  • Taleggio – a semisoft, washed-rind, smear-ripened Italian cheese that is named after Val Taleggio. The cheese has a thin crust and a strong aroma, but its flavour is comparatively mild with an unusual fruity tang. Taleggio and similar cheeses have been around since Roman times, with Cicero, Cato the Elder, and Pliny the Elder all mentioning it in their writings.
  • Torrone – a candy made of honey, sugar, and egg white, with toasted almonds or hazelnuts
  • Torta Bertolina – a typical autumnal dessert from the northern Italian town of Crema. It is presented in a round shape, but it is often available cut into slices. It has a golden brown hue and the fragrance of the small American or Concord grapes which are one of its main ingredients. The crust has an uneven texture with small holes in it.
  • Torta delle rose – a typical cake of Mantuan and Brescian cuisine. It is made with leavened dough rich in butter and sugar, which is rolled up and placed in the baking tin, taking the characteristic shape of a basket of rosebuds, hence the name.[73]
  • Torta paesana – a cake of the Lombard cuisine, notably from Brianza.[74] Its main ingredients are stale bread, milk and cocoa, often enriched with biscuits, amaretti di Saronno, sugar, pine seeds, raisins, candied orange and citron and aromatized with anise.[75]
  • Tortelli di zuccaravioli with a squash filling
  • Valtellina Casera – a cheese made from semi-skimmed cows' milk in the northern Italian province of Sondrio.[76] Its origins date back to the sixteenth century and it is much used in the cuisine of the Valtellina: particularly in dishes based on buckwheat flour such as pizzoccheri and sciatt (toad(s) in Lombard language).[76][77]
  • Veneziana – a sweet of the Lombard cuisine covered with sugar grains or almond icing.[78] It is served in two versions: the bigger one is consumed during Christmas,[79] like panettone; the smaller one is eaten as breakfast, along with cappuccino, like croissants. Veneziana is butter and flour-based and uses sourdough as leavening;[80] the smaller version is usually plain, sometimes filled with custard, while the bigger version contains candied orange.
  • Zuppa alla pavese – a soup consisting of broth into which slices of stale bread and poached eggs are placed. It is generally served with grated Parmesan.[81] Usually in Lombardy either Grana Padano or Granone Lodigiano are used.

Valle D'Aosta


Bagna càuda with ingredients
Panna cotta with cream and garnish
  • Bagna càuda – a hot dip based on anchovies, olive oil and garlic (sometimes blanched in milk), to accompany vegetables (either raw or cooked), meat or fried polenta sticks
  • Bollito misto
  • Brasato al vino – stew made from wine marinated beef
  • Gnocchi di semolino alla romanasemolina dumpling
  • Lepre in civet – jugged hare
  • Paniscia di Novara – a dish based on rice with borlotti beans, salame sotto grasso and red wine
  • Panissa vercellese – a dish based on rice with borlotti beans, salame sotto grasso and red wine
  • Panna cotta – sweetened cream set with gelatin
  • Pere martine al Barolo – winter pears in red wine
  • Risotto alla piemonteserisotto cooked with meat broth and seasoned with nutmeg, Parmesan and truffle
  • Vitello tonnatoveal in tuna sauce
  • Rane fritte – fried frogs
  • Risotto con le rane – risotto with frogs
  • Salame sotto grasso – pork salami aged under a thick layer of lard


  • Agliata – the direct ancestor of pesto, it is a spread made from garlic cloves, egg yolk and olive oil pestled in a mortar until creamy.
  • Baccalà fritto – morsels of salt cod dipped in flour batter and fried
  • Bagnun – a soup made with fresh anchovies, onion, olive oil and tomato sauce where crusty bread is then dipped; originally prepared by fishermen on long fishing expeditions and eaten with hard tack instead of bread.
  • Bianchetti – whitebait of anchovies and sardines, usually boiled and eaten with lemon juice, salt and olive oil as an entrée
  • Buridda – seafood stew
  • Cappon magro – a preparation of fish, shellfishes and vegetables layered in an aspic
  • Capra e fagioli – a stew made of goat meat and white beans, a typical dish of the hinterland of Imperia
  • Cima alla genovese – this cold preparation features an outer layer of beef breast made into a pocket and stuffed with a mix of brain, lard, onion, carrot, peas, eggs and breadcrumbs, then sewn and boiled. It is then sliced and eaten as an entrée or a sandwich filler.
  • Cubeletti – sweet corn tarts
  • Condigiun – a salad made with tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumber, black olives, basil, garlic, anchovies, hard boiled egg, oregano and tuna
  • Farinata di zucca – a preparation similar to chickpea farinata substituting pumpkin for the legumes' flour as its main ingredient; the result is slightly sweeter and thicker than the original.
  • Galantina – similar to testa in cassetta, but with added veal
  • Latte dolce fritto – a thick milk based cream left to solidify, then cut in rectangular pieces which are breaded and fried
  • Maccheroni con la trippa – a traditional Savonese soup uniting macaroni pasta, tripe, onion, carrot, sausage, "cardo", which is the Italian word for Swiss chard, parsley, and white wine in a base of capon broth, with olive oil to help make it satisyfing. Tomato may be added but that is not the traditional way to make it (traditional ingredients: chicken or capon broth, carrot, onion, parsley, thistle leaves, veal tripe, pork sausage, maccheroni al torchio, white wine, butter, olive oil, Parmesan cheese, salt).
  • Mescciüa – a soup of chickpeas, beans and wheat grains, typical of eastern Liguria and likely of Arab origin
  • Mosciame – originally a cut of dolphin meat dried and then made tender again thanks to immersion in olive oil, for several decades tuna has replaced dolphin meat
  • Pandolce – sweet bread made with raisins, pine nuts and candied orange and cedar skins
  • Pànera – a kind of semifreddo rich in cream and eggs flavoured with coffee, similar to a cappuccino in ice cream form
  • Panissa and farinatachickpea-based polentas and pancakes respectively
  • Pesto – probably Liguria's most famous recipe, widely enjoyed beyond regional borders, is a green sauce made from basil leaves, sliced garlic, pine nuts, pecorino or Parmesan (or a mix of both) and olive oil. Traditionally used as a pasta dressing (especially with gnocchi or trenette, it is finding wider uses as sandwich spread and finger-food filler).
  • Pizza all'Andrea – focaccia-style pizza topped with tomato slices (not sauce) onions and anchovies
  • Scabeggio di Moneglia – fried fish marinated in wine, garlic, lemon juice and sage, typical of Moneglia
  • Sgabei – fritters made from bread dough (often incorporating some cornmeal in it)
  • Stecchi alla genovese – wooden skewers alternating morsels of leftover chicken meats (crests, testicles, livers...) and mushrooms, dipped in white béchamel sauce, left to dry a bit and then breaded and fried
  • Testa in cassetta – a salami made from all kind of leftover meats from pork butchering (especially from the head)
  • Torta di riso – unlike all other rice cakes this preparation is not sweet, but a savoury pie made with rice, caillé, Parmesan and eggs, it can be wrapped in a thin layer of dough or simply baked until firm.
  • Torta pasqualina – savory flan filled with a mixture of green vegetables, ricotta and Parmesan cheese, milk and marjoram; some eggs are then poured in the already-placed filling, so that their yolks will remain whole when cooked.
  • Trenette al pesto – pasta with pesto (olive oil, garlic, basil, Parmesan and pecorino sardo cheese) sauce


Boiled cotechino (top) served with polenta and lentils
  • Traditional balsamic vinegar and balsamic vinegar – very precious, expensive and rare sweet, dark, sweet and aromatic vinegar, made in small quantities according to elaborated and time-consuming procedures (it takes at least 12 years to brew the youngest aceto balsamico) from local grapes must (look for the essential tradizionale denomination on the label to avoid confusing it with the cheaper and completely different aceto balsamico di Modena vinegar, mass-produced from wine and other ingredients
  • Borlengo – from the hills south of Modena
  • Cannelloni, crespelle and rosette – pasta filled with béchamel, cream, ham and others
  • Cappellacci – large size filled egg pasta with chestnut puree and sweet mostarda di Bologna, from Romagna
  • Cappelletti – small egg pasta "hats" filled with ricotta, parsley, Parmesan and nutmeg, sometimes also chicken breast or pork and lemon zest, from Emilia, in particular Reggio
  • Cappello del pretetricorno hat shaped bag of pork rind with stuffing similar to zampone's, to be boiled (from Parma, Reggio Emilia and Modena)
  • Ciccioli – cold meat made with pig's feet and head from Modena
  • Coppa – cured pork neck form Piacenza and Parma
  • Cotechino – big raw spiced pork sausage to be boiled, stuffing rich in pork rind (from Emilia provinces)
  • Baked crescentine or tigelle (currently known also as "tigelle", that is the traditional name of the stone dies which crescentine were baked between) – a small round (approx. 8 cm diameter, 1 cm or less thick) flat bread from the Modena Apennine Mountains
  • Crescentine – flat bread from Bologna and Modena: to be fried in pork fat or baked between hot dies (see tigelle above)
  • Culatello – a cured ham made with the most tender of the pork rump: the best is from the small Zibello (culatello di Zibello) area, in Parma lowlands.
  • Erbazzone – spinach and cheese filled pie from Reggio Emilia
  • Fave stufate – broad beans with mortadella
  • Garganelli – typical Romagna quill shaped egg pasta usually dressed with guanciale ('cheek bacon'), peas, Parmesan and a hint of cream
  • Gnocco fritto – fried pastry puffs from Modena (gnocco fritto was a very local name: until few decades ago it was unknown even in neighbouring Emilian provinces where different denominations, i.e. crescentine fritte in Bologna, for similar fried puffs).
  • Gramigna alla salsiccia – typical Bologna short and small diameter curly pasta pipes with sausage ragù
  • Mortadella – baked sweet and aromatic pork sausage from Bologna
  • Panpepato – very rich Christmas dried fruit and nut dessert with almonds, candies and a lot of sweet spices
  • Parmesan – prized ancient long-aged cheese from Reggio Emilia, Parma, Modena and Bologna
  • Passatelli – noodles made of breadcrumbs, Parmesan cheese, lemon zest and nutmeg from Romagna pesto di Modena – cured pork back fat pounded with garlic, rosemary and Parmesan used to fill borlenghi and baked crescentine
  • Piada dei morti – a sweet focaccia topped with raisins, almonds, walnuts and pine nuts,[82][83] native to Rimini,[84][85][86] and traditionally eaten in November for All Souls' Day[82]
  • Piadina – pancake shaped flat bread (from Romagna) which can be smaller and higher or larger and very thin
  • Piadina fritta – fried Romagna pastry rectangles
  • Pinza bolognese – jam-filled pastry
  • Pisarei e faśö – pasta peas with beans from Piacenza
  • Salame Felino – salami from province of Parma
  • Salama da sugo – soft sausage from Ferrara, seasonal
  • Spalla di San Secondo – gourmet salami from a small town near Parma; it is made with seasoned pork shoulder, stuffed in cow bladders and slowly boiled or steamed.
  • Spongata – very rich Christmas time thin tart: a soft crust with flour sugar dusting, stuffed with finely broken almonds and other nuts, candies and a lot of sweet spices, from Reggio Emilia
  • Squacquerone – sweet, runny, milky cheese from Romagna
  • Tagliatelle – egg pasta noodles, very popular across Emilia-Romagna; they are made in slightly different thickness, width and length according to local practise (in Bologna the authentic size of tagliatelle alla bolognese is officially registered at the local Chamber of Commerce).
  • Torresano – roasted pigeons popular in Emilia
  • Torta Barozzi o torta nera ("Barozzi tart" or "black tart") – a dessert made with a coffee/cocoa and almond filling encased in a fine pastry dough (from Modena)
  • Tortelli alla lastra – griddle baked pasta rectangles filed with potato and pumpkin puree and sausage or bacon bits
  • Tortelli – usually square, made in all Emilia-Romagna, filled with Swiss chard or spinach, ricotta and Parmesan in Romagna or ricotta, parsley, Parmesan in Bologna (where they are called "tortelloni") and Emilia, or with potatoes and pancetta in the Apennine mountains
  • Tortellini – small egg pasta navel shapes filled with lean pork, eggs, Parmesan, mortadella, prosciutto di Parma and nutmeg (from Bologna and Modena: according to a legend, they were invented in Castelfranco Emilia by a peeping innkeeper after the navel of a beautiful guest)
  • Zampone – stuffed pig's trotter, fat, but leaner than cotechino's, stuffing; to be boiled (from Modena)


  • Bistecca alla fiorentina – grilled Florentine T-bone steak traditionally from the Chianina cattle breed
  • Crema paradiso – Tuscan cream
  • Fegatelli di maiale – pig's liver forcemeat stuffed into pig's stomach and baked in a slow oven with stock and red wine
  • Ossobuco alla fiorentinaossobuco "Tuscan-style"
  • Pinzimonio – fresh seasonal raw or slightly blanched vegetables served with seasoned olive oil for dipping
  • Ribollita – twice-cooked vegetable soup
  • Lampredotto – cooked abomasum

Tuscan bread specialties

  • Carscenta della Lunigiana – baked on a bed of chestnut leaves and served on Good Friday
  • Ciaccia – from the Maremma made from maize
  • Donzelle – round loaf fried in olive oil
  • Filone – classic Tuscan unsalted bread
  • Pan di granturco – made from maize flour
  • Pan di ramerino – a rosemary bread seasoned with sugar and salt. The bread was originally served during Holy Week decorated with a cross on top and sold at the Church by semellai; it is, however, offered year round now.
  • Pan maoko – equal parts wheat and maize flour, with pine nuts and raisins added
  • Pane classico integrale – unsalted bread made with semolina with a crisp crust
  • Pane con i grassetti – a bread from the Garfagnana area, with pork cracklings mixed in
  • Pane con l'uva – in other areas this bread often takes the form of small loaves or rolls, but in Tuscany it is a rolled-out dough with red grapes incorporated into it and sprinkled with sugar. It is bread served often in the autumn in place of dessert and often served with figs.
  • Panigaccio – Lunigiana specialty made with flour, water and salt baked over red-hot coals and served with cheese and olive oil
  • Panina gialla aretina – an Easter bread with a high fat content, containing raisins, saffron, and spices. It is consecrated in a church before being served with eggs.
  • Panini di Sant'Antonio – sweet rolls eaten on the feast day of St. Anthony
  • Schiacciata – dough rolled out onto baking sheet and can have pork cracklings, herbs, potatoes and/or tomatoes added to the top along with a salt and olive oil
  • Schiacciatina – made with a fine flour, salt dough with yeast and olive oil
  • Panino co' i' lampredottolampredotto sandwich


  • Lenticchie di Castelluccio con salsiccelentil stew with sausages
  • Minestra di farrospelt soup
  • Torresani allo spiedo (piccioni allo spiedo) – spit-roasted pigeon
  • Regina in porchettacarp in fennel sauce

Specialties of the Norcineria (Umbrian Butcher)

  • Barbozzo – cured, matured pig's cheek
  • Budellacci di interiora – smoked, spiced pig intestines eaten raw, spit-roasted, or broiled
  • Capocollo – Sausage highly seasoned with garlic and pepper
  • Coppa – sausage made from the pig's head
  • Mazzafegato – sweet or hot pig's liver sausage, the sweet version containing raisins, orange peel and sugar
  • Prosciutto di Norcia – a pressed, cured ham made from the legs of pigs fed on a strict diet of acorns[87]


Olive all'ascolana
  • Brodetto di San Benedetto – fish stew, San Benedetto del Tronto-style, with green tomatoes and sweet green pepper[88]
  • Brodetto di Porto Recanati – fish stew, without tomato, wild saffron spiced
  • Olive all'ascolana – fried stoned olives stuffed with pork, beef, chicken, eggs and Parmesan in Ascoli Piceno – spinach and meat dumplings

Unique ham and sausage specialties

  • Coppacoppa in this region refers to a boiling sausage made from pig's head, bacon, orange peel, nutmeg and sometimes pinenuts or almonds. It is meant to be eaten within a month of preparation.
  • Ciauscolo – made from the belly and shoulder of pig with half its weight in pork fat and seasoned with salt, pepper, orange peel and fennel. It is stuffed into an intestine casing, dried in a smoking chamber and cured for three weeks.
  • Fegatino – a liver sausage with pork belly and shoulder, where the liver replaces the fat of other sausages
  • Mazzafegato di Fabrianomortadella made from fat and lean pork with liver and lung added to the fine-grained emulsification. It is seasoned with salt and pepper, stuffed into casings and smoked. This sausage is often served at festivals.
  • Prosciutto del Montefeltro – made from free-range black pigs, this is a smoked prosciutto washed with vinegar and ground black pepper
  • Salame del Montefeltro – made from the leg and loin meat of the black pig, this sausage is highly seasoned with peppercorns and hung to dry
  • Salame di Fabriano – similar to salame lardellato, except that it is made solely from leg of pork with pepper and salt
  • Salame lardellato – made with lean pork shoulder, or leg meat, along with diced bacon, salt, pepper, and whole peppercorns. It is cased in hog's intestines, dried for one-and-a-half days and then placed in a warm room for 3–4 days, two days in a cold room and then two months in a ventilated storage room.
  • Soppressata di Fabriano – finely emulsified pork flavored with bacon, salt and pepper. The sausage is smoked and then aged.


Abruzzo and Molise

  • Agnello cacio e uova – lamb stuffed with grated pecorino cheese and eggs
  • Agnello con le olive
  • Arrosticini – skewered pieces of meat
  • Maccheroni alla chitarra – a narrow stripped pasta served with a sauce of tomatoes, bacon and pecorino
  • Maccheroni alla molinara (also known as la pasta alla mugnaia) – a long (single) hand made pasta served with tomato sauce
  • Mozzarelline allo zafferano – mini mozzarella cheese coated with a batter flavored with saffron
  • Parrozzo – a cake-like dessert made from a mixture of flour and crushed almonds, and coated in chocolate
  • Pizza dolce – a layered (with two or three cream fillings – white custard, chocolate or almond) sponge cake, that is soaked with alchermes (if you can find it) or rum.
  • Pizzelle (also known as ferratelle) – a thin, biscuit made with a waffle iron device, often flavored with anise
  • Spaghetti all'aglio, olio e peperoncino
  • Scrippelle 'mbusse – Abruzzo crêpes (flour, water and eggs), seasoned with pecorino, rolled and served in chicken broth
  • Ragù di castratomutton sauce made with onion, rosemary, bacon, white wine, and tomatoes
  • Timballo alla teramana – a lasagne made with scripelle (Abruzzo crêpes) layered with a ragout of beef, pork, onion, carrot and celery, also layered with mushrooms, crumbled hard boiled egg, peas and béchamel sauce


  • Braciola di maiale – pork loin with tomatoes sauce, garlic, capers and pine nuts
  • Caponata di pesce – fish caponata; bread (baked in the shape of a donut), anchovies, tuna, lemon juice, olive oil and pepper
  • Casatiello – Neapolitan Easter pie with Parmesan, pecorino, eggs, salami, bacon, and pepper
  • Gattò di patate – a Neapolitan potato casserole with ham, Parmesan and pecorino
  • Graffe – fried Neapolitan "doughnuts" made with flour, potato, yeast and sugar
  • Insalata caprese (lit.'caprese salad') – a salad of tomatoes, mozzarella and basil
  • Limoncello – lemon liqueur
  • Maccheroni alla napoletana – macaroni with Neapolitan sauce; a sauce of braised beef, carrot, celery, onion, garlic, white wine, tomato paste and fresh basil
  • Melanzane alla scapecescapece eggplant; marinated eggplant with red pepper and olive oil
  • Melanzane al cioccolato – mid-August dessert; eggplants with chocolate and almonds
  • Mozzarella di bufala campana – particular variety of cheese products made exclusively with milk from buffalo
  • Mozzarella in carrozza – fried mozzarella with slices of toasted bread and olive oil
  • Mustacciuoli – Neapolitan Christmas dessert; biscuits with almonds and coffee covered with chocolate
  • Parmigiana – sliced eggplant pan fried in oil, layered with tomato sauce and cheese, and baked in an oven
  • Pastiera napoletana – Neapolitan ricotta cake
  • Pepata di cozze – mussel and Clam soup with tomato sauce, served with slices of toasted bread
  • Pizza napoletana (lit.'Neapolitan pizza') – the most popular is pizza Margherita: pizza topped with tomatoes sauce, mozzarella, Parmesan, basil and olive oil
  • Polpi alla lucìana (lit.'lucìana-style octopus') – octopus with tomatoes sauce, chopped tomatoes, olives and garlic
  • Ragù napoletano (lit.'Neapolitan ragù') – tomatoes sauce, onions, olive oil, carrots, celery, veal shank, pork ribs, lard, basil, salt and pepper
  • Roccocò – Neapolitan Christmas dessert; almond crunch biscuits
  • Sartù di riso (lit.'rice sartù') – rice with mushrooms, onions, tomato-paste, beef, peas, Parmesan, mozzarella and olive oil
  • Sfogliatella – Neapolitan ricotta dessert; seashell-shaped pastry with ricotta
  • Sfogliatella Santa Rosa – Neapolitan dessert; slightly larger than a traditional sfogliatella, it is filled with a crema pasticciera and garnished with crema di amarene.
  • Spaghetti alle vongole – spaghetti with clams in a white sauce with garlic, olive oil and pepper
  • Struffoli – Neapolitan Christmas dessert; honey balls with lemon juice and colored candy
  • Torta caprese – chocolate cake with almonds
  • Zeppole di San Giuseppe – fritters for Saint Joseph's Day; cream-filled with crème pâtissière


  • Burrata – an Italian cow milk cheese (occasionally buffalo milk) made from mozzarella and cream. The outer casing is solid cheese, while the inside contains stracciatella and cream, giving it an unusual, soft texture. It is typical of Apulia.
  • Caciocavallo podolico – a variety of cheese products made exclusively with Podolica cow milk
  • Cacioricotta – a cheese produced throughout Apulia
  • Calzone (in Lecce) or panzerotto (in Bari and Taranto) – puff pastry with oil which in its typicality contemplated the use of olives, ham, onions, mozzarella, cheese and tomato sauce for filling. Cooked either in the oven as savory pie, or deep fried.
  • Cartellate – a pastry, particularly prepared around Christmas, made of a thin strip of a dough made of flour, olive oil, and white wine that is wrapped upon itself, intentionally leaving cavities and openings, to form a sort of "rose" shape; the dough is then deep-fried, dried, and soaked in either lukewarm vincotto or honey.
  • Muscisca – bacon or boneless meat from sheep or goat (and in some cases veal), which is cut into long (20–30 cm) and thin (3–4 cm) strips, and seasoned with salt, chili, and fennel seeds before being sun-dried
  • Orecchiette con le cime di rapa – ear-like pasta with rapini
  • Ostriche arrosto – oysters broiled with parsley, garlic, oregano, breadcrumbs, olive oil, and lemon juice
  • Pancotto – an ancient dish of Capitanata, made from a base of stale bread and accompanied with a wide variety of wild vegetables, fennel seeds, oil of Tavoliere, and chili peppers
  • Pasticciotto leccese – shortcrust pastry shell and a custard heart
  • Pitta di patate – potato focaccia stuffed with tomatoes, onions, bacon, mozzarella, parsley, and covered with breadcrumbs
  • Purea di fave (or fave e cicorie, also known as fave e fogghije, "fava beans and leaves") – fava bean puree with stewed cicory. During Christmas festivities, cicory is stewed in red wine instead of water.
  • Riso, patate e cozze or tiella barese – a Bari specialty made with rice, potatoes, and mussels, similar to paella, cooked in an earthenware pan or in the oven. It has a Salento variant called tajeddha. It is likely that this recipe is a variant of paella, given the long Spanish domination in the Kingdom of Naples.
  • Rustico leccese – typical street food of Salento: a puff pastry filled with béchamel, mozzarella and tomato
  • Sagne 'ncannulate or sagne torte – home made pasta typical of Salento in the shape of long lagane rolled up on themselves that are served with fresh tomato sauce, basil and cacioricotta (someone adds a little breadcrumbs to dry any residual draining water), others use ricotta 'scante (a spicy ricotta cream), or with meat sauce (pork or lamb) with the addition of chilli, to taste
  • Tiella di verdure – a casserole of baked vegetables topped with mozzarella and fresh basil
  • Torcinelli – lamb intestines wrapped around lamb liver or offal, typically testicles, generally grilled on a skewer, sometimes stewed in tomato and onions
  • Zuppa di cozze alla tarantina – mussels steamed with peperoncino, garlic, tomatoes, and white wine. Often eaten with short pasta types. Variations prepared in the hinterland of Taranto may include white beans or kidney beans.

Apulian bread specialties

  • Focaccia ripiena – a bread made of dough filled with mozzarella, tomatoes, ham, onion or leek, and served in slices
  • Friselle – a bread made from barley flour and durum wheat flour, which goes through a dual baking process becoming very similar to hardtack, and is soaked in water before being prepared and eaten
  • Pane casareccio – a bread made from durum wheat, yeast, flour, salt, and water
  • Pane di Altamurasourdough durum wheat bread weighing up to 44 lb (20 kg)
  • Puccia – a bread made in honor of the Virgin Mary. It is a small, soft, round loaf made of white flour.
  • Puccia con le olive – a bread filled with olives
  • Puddica – bread dough mixed with mashed potato and rolled into flat cakes, covered with halved tomatoes and seasoned with salt and pepper
  • Taralli – a ring-shaped snack food which can be sweet or savory


Pasta con i peperoni cruschi
  • Agnello alla pastora – lamb with potatoes
  • Baccalà alla lucana – cod with crunchy red peppers
  • Ciaudedda – stew with artichokes, potatoes, broad beans and pancetta
  • Orecchiette con salsiccia piccanti – ear-like pasta with typical spicy salami from Basilicata
  • Pecorino di Forenza – cheese made of sheep's milk, typical of the Forenza area
  • Pasta con i peperoni cruschi – pasta dish served with peperoni cruschi, fried bread crumb and cacioricotta
  • Pasta mollicata – pasta dish served with tomato, onion dipped in red wine, lard and cacioricotta
  • Pollo alla potentinaPotenza-style chicken; chicken braised with tomatoes, onion, white wine, peperoncino, topped with fresh basil, parsley and pecorino cheese
  • Rafanata – type of omelette with horseradish, potatoes and cheese
  • Tumact me tulez – pasta dish served with tomato, anchovy, fried bread crumb and chopped walnuts
  • U' pastizz 'rtunnar – baked turnover filled with pork, eggs and cheese


'Nduja with bread, with a piece of 'nduja sausage in the background
  • Caciocavallo – a very milky cheese
  • Cuzzupa
  • Insalata di pomodori – a tomato salad with hot pepper
  • Maccarruni i'casa – home made pasta with goat or pork meat and tomatoes
  • Melanzane alla menta – eggplant marinated with mint
  • Melanzane ripiene – stuffed eggplant
  • 'Nduja – a spicy preserved meat, similar to the French Andouille
  • Pesce spada alla ghiotta – swordfish rolls in tomato sauce
  • Pipi chini – padded pepper
  • Pisci stoccu – stockfish with olive, tomatoes and caper bush
  • Satizzu – typical sausages made with fennel and pepper (the prototypical "Italian" sausage as sold in the United States)
  • Soppressata – a uniquely Calabrian salami
  • Zippula


  • Arancini – stuffed rice balls which are coated with breadcrumbs and fried
  • Cannoli – shortcrust pastry cylinder shell filled with sweet ricotta, mascarpone or chocolate or vanilla cream
  • Caponata – eggplants with tomatoes and olives
  • Cous cous alla trapanese
  • Timballo del Gattopardo – Sicilian pie; pastry dough baked with a filling of penne rigate, Parmesan, and bound a sauce of ham, chicken, liver, onion, carrot, truffles, diced hard-boiled egg and seasoned with clove, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Gattopardo ("serval") makes reference to the arms of the Lampedusa family and Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa's well-known novel Il Gattopardo, not the contents of the dish.
  • Granita – semi-frozen dessert made from sugar, water and various flavorings, typically lemon or almond or coffee or mulberry
  • Macco di San Giuseppe – bean paste with fennel
  • Pantesca salad – dish of the island of Pantelleria
  • Pasta alla Norma – spaghetti with tomato and eggplant
  • Panelle – a Sicilian chickpea fritter, often eaten as a sandwich and popular as street food
  • Scaccia – flat bread stuffed in different ways
  • Pizza siciliana (lit.'Sicilian pizza') – pizza prepared in a manner that originated in Sicily
  • Tonno alla palermitana – tuna Palermo-style; tuna marinated in white wine, lemon, garlic, rosemary and broiled, then served with pan-seared sardines


  • Casu martzu – type of cheese
  • Culurgiones – a kind of ravioli
  • Malloreddus – semolina gnocchi with saffron
  • Pane carasau – type of bread
  • Porceddu or porcheddu – small pig cooked with myrtle
  • Panada – a pie filled with meat or vegetables
  • Suppa cuata – bread and cheese soup


Most important ingredients (see also: Italian herbs and spices):

Other common ingredients

Pasta being prepared in a pasta machine

Herbs and spices

See also


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